I had an idea with regards to individual promo codes, would there be a way to create a promo code that is redeemed as a loyalty discount? So if someone for example were to get 3 sessions they would be eligible to use a promo code that can lock in their current session rate so in the future if you increase prices you aren’t increasing prices on players who are happy with the current price?
It would be at the coaches discretion as to how many sessions need to be obtained for a student to be considered "Loyal" and they would also have to distribute the codes themselves.
The reason for the loyalty code is so that a random stranger cant use the same code and get the same benefit with out first getting at least 1 session
Id say the code would be redeemed as a "25 dollar code" for example and would lock the price at 25 dollars.
I think this would be more effective than having to constantly change a % or change the dollar amount for the codes every time a price increase happened
by doing this you can increase profit margins while maintaining retention of happy students.
Gyms do something similar to this aswell with annual contracts (kind of)
If this would ever be possible that would be amazing.
Ive attached an example of what it might look like on the website, essentially the ability to make a code that overrides any change in pricing